Marine Electronics & Electrical Products Perth, Australia

NAVNET 4 TZT9 9″ Multifunction Display

This unit features a 9” WVGA multifunction display. This unit has a multitude of features including “pinch to zoom” touch screen display, Wireless LAN, Marine Weather, POI database, iOS apps, Bottom Discrimination Display, Furuno Digital Fish Finder (FDF) and Furuno UHD – CHIRP (need sounder module), PGX file transfer capability, point and track capability for 30,000 points, Ethernet ports, up to 6 displays per network, video inputs, USB ports, 30 target ARPA radar with optional sensors, NMEA2000 interface. For technical information, specifications and options please contact

This unit features a 9” WVGA multifunction display.

This unit has a multitude of features including “pinch to zoom” touch screen display, Wireless LAN, Marine Weather, POI database, iOS apps, Bottom Discrimination Display, Furuno Digital Fish Finder (FDF) and Furuno UHD – CHIRP (need sounder module), PGX file transfer capability, point and track capability for 30,000 points, Ethernet ports, up to 6 displays per network, video inputs, USB ports, 30 target ARPA radar with optional sensors, NMEA2000 interface.
For technical information, specifications and options please contact


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