
What are the new boating rules for WA 2023?

All people on boats in Western Australia must always wear a life jacket. Carry two red and two orange handheld flares in unprotected water if you are beyond 400 metres from shore. Skippers are no longer required to pack fire extinguishers, anchors, pumps, or bailers. Although, it depends on the circumstances and boating requirements.


Can you drive a boat without a licence in WA?

You can drive a boat without a licence in WA if you follow certain conditions:

  1. You are operating a recreational vessel with a motor of 6hp (4.5) or less.
  2. If you are under the age of 14 and operating during daylight hours at a speed of less than 8 knots.

If you do not fulfil the above two conditions, you must have a Recreational Skippers Ticket (RST) to operate a recreational vessel with a motor greater than 6hp.


Does everyone in a boat need a fishing licence in WA?

No, you do not need a licence if you are fishing for common carp, crawfish, bullfrogs or collecting relic shells and are under 15 and accompanied by a licensed adult. So, not everyone in a boat needs a fishing licence in WA.